Plastic Surgery Blog
Dr. Lindsey's Newsletter #39 - Post-Ozempic Plastic Surgery
How Ozempic and Rapid Weight Loss Transform Your Body: What You Need to Know
Dr. Lindsey's Newsletter #35: PS or FPS: Can the Public Tell the Difference?
What is the difference between a Plastic Surgeon and a Facial Plastic Surgeon? Which one has more training? Which one has the most expertise?
Dr. Lindsey's Newsletter #36: Plastic Surgery By Decade - 70s: The Glamma Era
This newsletter is all about your 70s and the secondary facelift!
Dr. Lindsey's Newsletter #37: The Modern Facelift
As promised last week, today I am going to discuss my approach to facelift technique!
Dr. Lindsey's Newsletter #38: My Meticulous Approach to Facelifts
As promised, I am sharing details about my approach to facelift surgery.
Dr. Lindsey's Newsletter #31: Plastic Surgery by Decade - 60s: The Upper Third
All about your 60s, facial aging of the upper third of your face, and surgical options for rejuvenation.
Dr. Lindsey's Newsletter #32: Plastic Surgery By Decade - 60s: The Middle Third
All about facial aging of the middle third of your face, and surgical options for rejuvenation.
Dr. Lindsey's Newsletter #33: All About Sculptra
Sculptra is an injectable technology that targets this feature of aging and restores youthful volume.
Dr. Lindsey's Newsletter #34: Plastic Surgery By Decade - 60s: The Lower Third
All about your 60s, surgical options for facial aging, specifically the lower third of your face + neck.
Dr. Lindsey's Newsletter #30: Plastic Surgery by Decade - 60s: Slip Slidin' Away
This week is all about your 60s and features of facial aging. This will lay the groundwork for understanding surgical options for facial aging.
Dr. Lindsey's Newsletter #29: Plastic Surgery by Decade - 60s: Baby Come Back
This is the 6th edition in a series about plastic surgery through the lens of each decade, this week is about your 60s and body contouring surgery.
Dr. Lindsey's Newsletter #28: Plastic Surgery by Decade - 60s: Upside Down
This is the fifth edition in a series about plastic surgery through the lens of each decade of adult life, this week is about your 60s and skincare.
Dr. Lindsey's Newsletter #26: Plastic Surgery By Decade 50s: You're Not So Vain
This is the fourth edition in a series about plastic surgery through the lens of each decade of adult life.
Dr. Lindsey's Newsletter #25: 40s Decade: When Will I Need a Facelift?
This is the third edition in a series about plastic surgery through the lens of each decade of adult life. This edition is all about your 40s!
Dr. Lindsey's Newsletter #24: Plastic Surgery By Decade - 30s: Shake It Off
This is the second edition in a series about plastic surgery through the lens of each decade of adult life.
Dr. Lindsey's Newsletter #22: Post-Hyaluronic Acid Recurrent Eyelid Edema
I invite you to learn with me as I read, analyze, and review a journal article about lower eyelid edema caused by Hyaluronic Acid filler injections.
Dr. Lindsey's Newsletter #23: Plastic Surgery By Decade - 20s: Skincare Slaps
Over the next few weeks we will discuss plastic surgery through the lens of each decade of adult life. This edition is about skincare in your 20s.
Decoding The Authenticity Of A Plastic Surgeon
Today I am going to answer the question, "What makes a plastic surgeon a “real” or legitimate plastic surgeon?"
PRP For Under Eye Treatment
PRP for under eyes improves appearance and fights aging! Please also enjoy a video we made of the treatment experience in our office
Let's Talk Lipo: Bra Roll Liposuction
In this edition: Ideal candidates; Anesthesia requirements; Surgery day details; Technique/limitations; Recovery/how to optimize your outcome